LNG is one of the fastest growing global commodities
At LNG Trading Asia, our primary focus is to support the worldwide expansion of the LNG industry and to help make trade happen.
LNG Trading Asia operates worldwide as a commodity service and solutions provider for the global LNG & Gas markets. We facilitate trading of LNG cargoes and we connect buyers and suppliers worldwide. We also provide financing solutions and consulting services for the energy sectors.
Our Company excels in strategic sourcing, gas marketing, business development, business creation and in providing private funding solutions for LNG projects. We identify promising trading and business opportunities, we develop new markets and we organize appropriate collaborations and partnerships for long term and short term business operations.
The LNG spot and short term market has significantly increased over the decade and the total global market for LNG is projected to increase in the coming years. The trading of liquefied natural gas is set to grow worldwide and especially in Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, etc.). Please note that growth will certainly be limited in certain countries due to restrictions in access to terminal and pipeline facilities and due to the heavily regulated domestic gas market in certain markets.
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LNG spot cargo
In the last few years, global trading firms, international oil companies and investment banks have set up trading houses in different countries to service LNG spot cargo customers across the World. Our Company wants to be part of that growing industry and to help his partners and its clients to access the best supply solutions, tailored financing solutions and to unique investment opportunities in the LNG industry.
The supply and demand of natural gas is influenced by different factors such as weather conditions, seasonal gas consumption, gas domestic production, price and availability competing fuels, and the growing demand for cleaner and safer energy fuel. LNG Trading Asia has the flexibility with his partners to fill in the gaps caused by the supply shortages and to arbitrage prices between alternative LNG markets.
Click here to get more information on stats and about the key players in the LNG Global market.
LNG storage
LNG Storage is a key component and floating regasification and storage units provides alternative shipping and terminal capacity to the spot cargo trade
LNG shipping
Shipping is another key component in the LNG supply chain and owners of carriers prefer to support investment decisions with long term supply or charter commitments due to the cost of the vessels. With the development of spot and short-term trade in the LNG business, some players have designated a small number of LNG vessels for spot cargo trade.
The continuing investment and development in new build or converted floating regasification and storage units will provide alternative shipping and terminal capacity and that will add further weight to the spot cargo trade activities.
Liquified Natural Gas can be delivered free on board(FOB) delivery, ex-ship(DES), at terminal(DAT) or it can also be agreement for both different type of deliveries.
LNG contracts
In the spot market, LNG players benefits from putting in place master spot cargo trading contracts (Master Agreement) with prospective trading partners. There is also a market for sale and purchase contracts. A typical LNG spot cargo purchase and sale contract sets out the details about:
– Price
– Quantity
– LNG ship
– Demurrage
– Arrival window
– Laytime
– Loading and discharging ports
– specs and other requirements specific to LNG cargo(es) transactions.
With the LNG spot cargo trade becoming increasingly important in the Asia Pacific region, LNG Trading Asia is your best resource to buy or sell liquefied natural gas and or to finance LNG projects.
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LNG information
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